Life in Transition

A series of projects about the fragile, the unstable, the absurd, the incoherent, the precarious, the ephemera... Between actual and virtual, reality and imagination, life is in perpetual transformation.

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Life in Transition

An ongoing series of projects about the fragile, the unstable, the absurd, the incoherent, the precarious, the ephemera... Between actual and virtual, reality and imagination, life is in perpetual transformation.

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Attention is All You Need (2024)
Mixed-media Installation

This work is about disinformation, media bias and AI-generated content. The media can create 'news' not based on the event itself, but by filtering and shaping reality. When media aim for clickbait and sensationalism, they may prioritise information that provokes strong emotions or controversy, often at the expense of accuracy or nuance. The way we perceive the world depends on the maps that are drawn for us.
Video Installation

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